Mohammad Rabbani Prime minister

Mullah Mohammad Rabbani Akhund (1955 – 15 April 2001) was one of the main founders of the Taliban movement. He was second in power only to the supreme leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, in the Taliban hierarchy.When the Soviet Union chose to withdraw from Afghanistan in 1989, and after many more years of insurgenence and civil war, he led the Taliban guerrillas in the final assault against the capital, Kabul.He served as prime minister of Afghanistan and head of the advisory council. There were also rumors that Mullah Rabbani and the head of the Taliban movement had serious political differences. While Rabbani and the ruling council constituted the public face of Afghanistan, the important decisions were made by Mullah Mohammed Omar, who resided in the southern city of Kandahar.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1955
Birth place
Afghanistan , Pashmol
Date of deathApril 15, 2001
Place of death
Pakistan , Rawalpindi




Prime minister

FromSeptember 27, 1996
ToApril 13, 2001

Mohammad Rabbani on Wikipedia