Mortimer Taube

Mortimer Taube (December 6, 1910 – September 3, 1965) was an American librarian. He is on the list of the 100 most important leaders in Library and Information Science of the 20th century. He was important to the Library Science field because he invented Coordinate Indexing, which uses “uniterms” in the context of cataloging. It is the forerunner to computer based searches. In the early 1950s he started his own company, Documentation, Inc. with Gerald J. Sophar. Previously he worked at such institutions as the Library of Congress, the Department of Defense, and the Atomic Energy Commission. American Libraries calls him “an innovator and inventor, as well as scholar and savvy businessman.” Current Biography called him the “Dewey of mid-twentieth Librarianship.” Mortimer Taube was a very active man with varying interests such as tennis, philosophy, sailing, music, and collecting paintings.

Personal facts

Birth dateDecember 06, 1910
Birth place
Jersey City New Jersey
Date of deathSeptember 03, 1965
Place of death
Annapolis Maryland
University of California Berkeley
University of Chicago


Mortimer Taube on Wikipedia

External resources
