Muhamad Aly Rifai

Muhamad Aly Rifai, M.D. (Arabic الدكتور محمد علي الرفاعي) is a distinguished Arab American Internist and Psychiatrist and a renowned clinician researcher who is known for describing the association between psychiatric disorders and Hepatitis C. He co-authored the first clinical report detailing the association between Hepatitis C Infection and Psychiatric Disorders. He was awarded the American Psychiatric Association / American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education Scholarship for research on severe mental illness and Hepatitis C. Rifai is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, the American Psychiatric Association and the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. He is the recipient of the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine prestigious William Webb Fellowship. He is also the recipient of several clinical excellence awards from the National Institute of Mental Health and the American College of Physician Executives. He is a clinical professor of Medicine and Psychiatry at The Commonwealth Medical College.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1973
Birth place
Aleppo , Syria
Known for
Hepatitis C
