Muhammad Qasim Nanotvi Philosopher

Muhammad Qasim Nanotvi was an Islamic Scholar and the main person responsible for establishing a new Islamic sect, called deobandism. Nanotvi was born in a Gujjar family in 1833 in Nanota, a village near Saharanpur, India. He completed his early education in his hometown and then he was sent to Deoband, where he studied in Maulvi Mahtab Ali's madrassa. Then, he travelled to Saharanpur, where he remained with his maternal grandfather. In Saharanpur, he studied elementary kitabs of Arabic grammar and syntax under Maulvi Nawaz. At the end of 1843, Mamluk-Ul-Ali escorted him to Delhi. There, he studied Kafia and various kitabs. Later he was admitted to Madrassa Gaziuddin Khan.his close relative, Muhammad Yaqub Nanotvi wrote:"My late father enrolled him at the Arabic Madrasa and said, 'Study Euclid yourself and complete the arithmetical exercises.' After a few days, he had attended all of the ordinary discourses and completed the arithmetical exercises. Munshi Zakatullah asked a few questions of him, which were difficult. Because he was able to solve them, he became well-known. When the annual examination drew near, he did not write it and left the madrasa. The whole staff of the madrasa, particularly the headmaster, regretted this very much".Prior to his enrollment at Madrassa Gaziuddin Khan, he had studied kitabs on logic, philosophy, and scholastic theology under Mamluk Ali at his house. he joined a study circle, which possessed a central position in India with regards to the teaching of the sciences of the Qur'an and Hadith. He studied hadith under Abdul Ghani Mujaddidi.After the completion of his education, he became the editor of the press at Matbah-e-Ahmadi. During this period, at Ahmad Ali's insistence, He wrote a scholium on the last few portions of Sahihul Bukhari. Before the establishment of Darul Uloom Deoband, he taught Euclid for some time at the Chhatta Masjid. His lectures were delivered within the printing press. His teaching produced a group of accomplished Ulama, the example of which had not been seen since Shah Abul Ghani's time. He went on to establish Darul Uloom Deoband.In 1860, he performed Hajj and, on his return, he accepted a profession of collating books at Matbah-e-Mujtaba in Meerut. He remained attached to this press until 1868. he performed Hajj for the second time and, thereafter, he accepted a job at Matbah-e-Hashimi in Meerut.He conformed to the Shari'a and Sunnah and tried his best to motivate people to do so as well. It was through his efforts that a prominent madrasa for impartation of Islamic education of religious sciences was established in Deoband and a fine masjid was built. Besides this, through his efforts and endeavours, Islamic madaris were established at various other locations as well.

Personal facts

Alias (AKA)Rashid Hussain
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1833
Birth place
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1880
Place of death
India , Deoband
Main interest
Islamic philosophy



notable idea
Darul Uloom Deoband
List of modern-day Muslim scholars of Islam

Muhammad Qasim Nanotvi on Wikipedia

External resources
