Murder of Mary Quigley

Mary Elizabeth Quigley (February 28, 1960 – September 10, 1977) was an American murder victim whose death was a cold case for nearly 30 years before it was finally solved by DNA database matching. She was a senior at Santa Clara High School in California and was attending a beer party and left the party house late in the evening of Friday, September 9. Her body was found the next day approximately 300 yards away hanging from a cyclone fence in Washington Park (now War Memorial Park) in Santa Clara, California. She had been raped and strangled. The killer, Richard Archibeque, was discovered by a DNA database match from samples he was required to submit because of a conviction for a later rape in 1979 of another teenage girl. At the time of Quigley's murder, DNA technology was not sufficiently advanced for identifying suspects.

Personal facts

Murder of Mary Quigley
Alias (AKA)Quigley Mary Ann
Birth dateFebruary 28, 1960
Birth nameMary Elizabeth Quigley
Birth place
Tucson Arizona , United States
United States
Date of deathSeptember 10, 1977
Place of death
Santa Clara California , United States
