Nándor Hidegkuti Sports manager

Nándor Hidegkuti (3 March 1922 – 14 February 2002) was a Hungarian football player and manager. He played as a forward or attacking midfielder and spent the majority of his playing career at MTK Hungária FC. During the 1950s he was also a key member of the Hungarian National Team team known as the Golden Team. Other members of the team included Ferenc Puskás, Zoltán Czibor, Sándor Kocsis and József Bozsik. In 1953, playing as a deep lying centre-forward, he scored a hat-trick for Hungary when they beat England 6-3 at Wembley Stadium. Playing from deep, Hidegkuti was able to distribute the ball to the other attackers and cause considerable confusion in the English defence. This was an innovation at the time and revolutionised the way the game was played. This is now known as SS or Second Striker with players such as Francesco Totti and Wayne Rooney playing there today.Hidegkuti died on 14 February 2002 after suffering from heart and lung problems for some time before his death. MTK Hungária FC renamed their stadium, Hidegkuti Nándor Stadium in his honour.

Personal facts

Nándor Hidegkuti
Birth dateMarch 03, 1922
Birth place
Hungary , Hungary national football team , Budapest
Date of deathFebruary 14, 2002
Place of death
Hungary national football team , Budapest
