Narendra Dhar Jayal

Major Narendra Dhar Jayal, or Nandu, as he was affectionately known (died 1958), was an officer of the Bengal Sappers and the Indian Army Corps of Engineers. A legendary figure in Indian mountaineering, he was often referred to as the 'Marco Polo of Indian Mountaineering' as he had pioneered and patronized the sport of amateur mountain-climbing in the early years after Independence and set forth a blazing, though short, trail for Indian mountaineers to follow. He encouraged the youths of India to take part in mountaineering. Nandu was educated at The Doon School.

Personal facts

Alias (AKA)Nandu Jayal
Birth dateJune 25, 1927
Date of deathApril 28, 1958


Narendra Dhar Jayal on Wikipedia