Navíd Akhavan

Navíd Akhavan (Persian: نوید اخوان‎; born 9 June 1980, Tehran) is an Iranian-German actor best known for his role as Hakan in the German comedy television series König von Kreuzberg.Navid Akhavan was born in Teheran, Iran. Due to the Iran-Iraq war the four-year Navid had to escape with his family from his native country. They lived for some time in the US but since 1985 Navid has been in Germany at home, with his father, his mother and his younger brother.Navid has grown up trilingually (English, German, Persian). He stood, for the 1st time, on stage when he was 8 years old.He has grown up with music. His mother, composer, and his father, concert organizer, let him participate in their working life. He has played in different theater, TV and film productions during and over this time. During 2003 Navid earned a nomination for "strange friend(Fremder Freund)", for the "Foerderpreis deutscher Film" in the category "best actor ".

Personal facts

Alias (AKA)Navid Akhavan
Birth dateJune 09, 1980
Birth place
Iran , Tehran


Navíd Akhavan on Wikipedia

External resources
