Ned Crompton Baseball player

Edward Crompton (February 13, 1889 – September 28, 1950) was a Major League Baseball outfielder. He played parts of two seasons in the majors, playing 17 games as a left fielder for the St. Louis Browns in 1909 and one game as a center fielder for the Cincinnati Reds in 1910.

Personal facts

Birth dateFebruary 13, 1889
Birth place
England , Liverpool
Date of deathSeptember 28, 1950
Place of death
Aspinwall Pennsylvania


Baseball player

Career startSeptember 13, 1909
Career endOctober 08, 1910
batting sideRight
former teams
Baltimore Orioles
Cincinnati Reds
Left fielder
Baltimore Orioles
Cincinnati Reds
throwing sideRight

Ned Crompton on Wikipedia