Nicolai Wammen Politician

Nicolai Halby Wammen (born 7 February 1971) is a Danish politician, representing the Social Democrats. A native and lifelong resident of Denmark's second-largest city, Aarhus, he earned a Masters' degree in Political Science from the University of Aarhus in 2001 and was first elected to its City Council in 1998. In 2001 he was elected to Parliament, served one term and was then elected Mayor of Aarhus in 2006. At this time he was also elected vice president of the Social Democrats. When Helle Thorning-Schmidt led the Social Democrats to victory in Denmark's September 2011 elections, Wammen returned to Danish Parliament (representing Aarhus) and was appointed to the newly created position of Minister for European Affairs from October 2011 to August 2013. On 9 August 2013, Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt announced her first Cabinet shakeup, changing six ministers, including moving Nicolai Wammen to Minister for Defence, and moving Minister of Defence Nick Hækkerup to Minister of European Affairs and Trade.Personal Life: Never married, Danish newspaper Ekstrabladet reported that Wammen fathered a son, Carl (born 9 October 2011) with Julie Rademacher, a former Member of Parliament whom the paper described as "a friend". Upon the birth of their son, she resigned from Parliament moved to Greenland to be with her parents.

Personal facts

Nicolai Wammen
Birth dateFebruary 07, 1971
Birth place
Holbæk , Denmark
Aarhus University


Office holder

officeMayor of Aarhus
Social Democrats (Denmark)
prime minister
Jacob Bundsgaard
Nick H%C3%A6kkerup

Nicolai Wammen on Wikipedia

External resources
