Norberto Do Amaral Cleric

Norberto Do Amaral (born 17 February 1956) is the Bishop of Diocese of Maliana, East Timor. After attending the elementary Catholic school in Ainaro, he entered the Seminary of Our Lady of Fatima in Dare. He completed his philosophical studies from 1981–1983 and theological studies between 1985–1988 at the Major Seminary of St. Peter in Ritapiret, Flores, Indonesia. He also carried out a year of pastoral ministry in the parish of Ossú during 1984. He was ordained a priest on 18 October 1988 for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Díli. He subsequently served in the following positions: 1988: Assistant Pastor of the Parish of Ainaro, 1989–2000: Pastor of the Parish of Maubisse, 2000–2004: Rector of the Diocesan Minor Seminary in Dili. In 2005–2007 he undertook studies for a licentiate in dogmatic theology at the Urban University in Rome. Since 2007 he has been Professor of Dogmatic Theology and Prefect of Studies at the Major Seminary in Dili. Since 2008, he has served as Chancellor of the Diocese of Dili and Director of the Diocesan Magazine “Seara”.On 24 April 2010 he was ordained bishop of the newly created Roman Catholic Diocese of Maliana.

Personal facts

Birth dateFebruary 17, 1956
Birth place
East Timor


Norberto Do Amaral on Wikipedia