O. J. Simpson American football player

Orenthal James "O. J. " Simpson (born July 9, 1947), nicknamed "The Juice", is a retired American college and professional football player, football broadcaster and actor. Simpson was a running back, the American Football League's Buffalo Bills' first overall pick in the 1969 Common Draft, and the first professional football player to rush for more than 2,000 yards in a season, a mark he set in 1973. While five other players have passed the 2,000 rush yard mark he stands alone as the only player to rush for more than 2,000 yards in a fourteen-game season (professional football changed to a sixteen-game season in 1978). He holds the record for the single season yards-per-game average, which stands at 143.1 ypg. Simpson was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985. He also had a successful career in acting and sports commentary. In 1995, Simpson was acquitted of the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman after a lengthy, internationally publicized criminal trial – the People v. Simpson. In 1997 a civil court awarded a judgment against Simpson for their wrongful deaths; to date he has paid little of the $33.5 million penalty. His book, If I Did It (2006), which purports to be a first-person fictional account of the murders had he actually committed them, was withdrawn by the publisher just before its release. The book was later released by the Goldman family. In September 2007, Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, and charged with numerous felonies, including armed robbery and kidnapping. In 2008, he was found guilty and sentenced to thirty-three years' imprisonment, with a minimum of nine years without parole. He is serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada.

Personal facts

O. J. Simpson
Alias (AKA)Simpson Orental James
Birth dateJuly 09, 1947
Birth place
California , San Francisco
Weight (Kilograms)96.1632


American football player

Career start1969
Career end1979
Debut team
Buffalo Bills
Draft pick1
Draft round1
Draft year1969
Running back
Buffalo Bills
San Francisco 49ers

O. J. Simpson on Wikipedia