Oliver Hill Baseball player

Oliver Clinton Hill was a Major League Baseball player. He appeared in two games for the Boston Bees in 1939, both times as a pinch hitter. In two at bats, he had one hit, a double, for a batting average of .500 and a slugging percentage of 1.000.Hill had a long minor league career, playing at least from 1935 until 1948, with three seasons missed for World War II. In the minors, he began his career as a catcher, but became a third baseman by 1936. He played four seasons for the Atlanta Crackers of the Southern Association before being acquired by the Bees.

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 16, 1909
Date of deathSeptember 20, 1970


Baseball player

Career startApril 19, 1939
Career endApril 22, 1939
batting sideLeft
former teams
Atlanta Braves
Pinch hitter
Atlanta Braves
throwing sideRight

Oliver Hill on Wikipedia