Oliver Rothschild

Oliver Rothschild, (born April 24, 1951 in London, United Kingdom) is a corporate strategist active in a variety of business arenas. He has held management level positions with Buchler Rothschild Investments and is currently Chairman of Oliver Rothschild Corporate Advisors. He is active within a range of industries and holds a diverse portfolio of business interests. Amongst a number of Chairmanships, Oliver Rothschild is also active in other, non-commercial spheres, having previously been elected Chairman of UNICEF (Appeals Committee). In the charitable Sector, Oliver Rothschild currently holds the post of President of the trading arm of ACEVO, the leading association of voluntary and charitable Chief Executive Officers, and in addition is Chairman of the Sustainable Business Forum. Oliver Rothschild also acts as Ambassador or Patron of a number of charitable organisations.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 24, 1951
Birth place
London , United Kingdom


Oliver Rothschild on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.wecando.biz
  2. http://www.wherevertheneed.org.uk