Pat Donahue Baseball player

Patrick William "Pat" Donahue (November 8, 1884 – January 31, 1966) was a Major League Baseball catcher. He started into professional baseball when he was only 23. He played as a catcher and first baseman. In the three years he played pro ball, he only hit three home runs. He was on the Boston Red Sox, Philadelphia Athletics and the Cleveland Naps. His brother, also a pro baseball player, was Jiggs Donahue.

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 08, 1884
Birth place
Springfield Ohio
Date of deathJanuary 31, 1966
Place of death
Springfield Ohio


Baseball player

Career startMay 29, 1908
Career endSeptember 05, 1910
batting sideRight
former teams
Boston Red Sox
History of the Philadelphia Athletics
Boston Red Sox
Cleveland Indians
History of the Philadelphia Athletics
throwing sideRight

Pat Donahue on Wikipedia