Pat Stryker

Patricia A. Stryker (born 1956) is the granddaughter of Homer Stryker, surgeon and founder of Stryker Corporation, a medical technology company. The low-profile heiress has been more active in civic life in recent years, with an interest in liberal causes. She donated $3 million to defeat a 2002 ballot initiative regarding bilingual education in Colorado. In 2004, she gave $20 million to Colorado State University, mostly to benefit its football team. Stryker bought Sonoma's Sommer Vineyards in 1999, which she rebuilt, replanted, and rechristened as Stryker Sonoma. It covers 32 acres (129,000 m²) in Alexander Valley, California, producer of classic vinifera varieties Bordeaux and Zinfandel.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1956
