Patrick Logan Military person

Not to be confused with the Desperate Housewives character, Patrick Logan (Desperate Housewives).Captain Patrick Logan (1791 – October 1830) was the commandant of the Moreton Bay penal colony from 1826 until his death in 1830. He is thought to have been killed by Aboriginal Australians who objected to him entering their lands. As he had been hated by convicts, there were rumours that escaped convicts living in the bush had attacked him, but there is no evidence of this.Born in East Renton, Berwickshire, Scotland, he was the youngest son of a Scottish landowner and farmer, Abraham Logan and Janet Johnstown. He was baptised at Coldingham, Berwickshire on 15 November 1791.Logan had a distinguished military career. He was known as a strict Commandant of the penal colony to the point of cruelty. Logan made significant explorations of what was to become known as South East Queensland. He discovered the area which became Ipswich, Queensland and some consider him to be the Founder of Queensland.

Personal facts

Patrick Logan
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1791
Birth place
Scotland , Berwickshire
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1830
Resting place
Sydney , Surry Hills New South Wales


Military person

allegianceUnited Kingdom
military operations
War of 1812
Peninsular War

Patrick Logan on Wikipedia