Paul Rice

Paul Rice is the President & CEO of Fair Trade USA, the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States. Since launching Fair Trade USA (previously TransFair) in 1998, Paul has pushed to mainstream the Fair Trade movement and expand its impact. He has challenged hundreds of companies to rework their global supply chains to obtain high-quality products that support community development and environmental protection.Paul’s work as a social entrepreneur has helped over 1.2 million farmers receive a fair price for their crops and compete in the global marketplace through direct, long-term contracts with international buyers. With thousands of certified products found in 200,000 retail locations today, Fair Trade USA’s Fair Trade Certified label is considered to be the leading mark of sustainability and responsible sourcing in the US.Paul has been criticized in recent years for his decision to resign Fair Trade USA’s membership from Fairtrade Labeling Organization (FLO), the international fair trade labeling organization. While he argues that the split was necessary for expansion, some critics worry that scaling Fair Trade will dilute its impact. Paul is committed to expanding Fair Trade to impoverished laborers, whether or not they work on a cooperative, through his “Fair Trade for All” platform.


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