Pedro Teixeira

Pedro Teixeira (died 4 July 1641) was a Portuguese explorer who became, in 1637, the first European to travel up the entire length of the Amazon River. Teixeira was born at Cantanhede; the date of his birth is unknown. His exploits are considered remarkable even by today's standards. Because of Teixeira and other Portuguese who pushed into the depths of the Amazon, Portugal was able to obtain far more of South America from their Spanish competitors than the Treaty of Tordesillas had granted in 1494. Teixeira`s expedition became the first simultaneously to travel up and down the Amazon River. He was called by the Indian natives Curiua-Catu, meaning The Good and Friendly White Man.

Personal facts

Pedro Teixeira
Birth place
Cantanhede Municipality , Kingdom of Portugal
Portuguese people
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1641
Place of death
Colonial Brazil
Known for
Amazon River
