Peter Fritz

Peter Adalbert Robert George Fritz AM (born 4 January 1943) is an Australian businessman and philanthropist. He was born in Arad, Romania and migrated to Australia in 1962. He has been group managing director of the TCG Group of Companies since 1971 and Chairman of public policy think-tank Global Access Partners since 1998.He holds six degrees or professional qualifications, is an adjunct professor at the University of Technology Sydney and the Honorary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering 1998. His awards include The Order of Australia in 1993 and the UTS Alumni Award for Excellence 2010. His books include 'The Possible Dream' (Penguin 1988) and 'Beyond "Yes"' (Harper Collins 1998), "The Profit Principle" co-authored by business journalist Jeanne-Vida Douglas (John Wiley and Sons 2010) and "Managing for Change" co-authored by Brad Howarth (TCG Publications 2014).Peter chairs the Australian Government Consultative Committee on Knowledge Capital and serves on a number of private enterprise boards. He is a member of the Children's Promise Advisory Committee, a not-for-profit philanthropic organisation. He represented Australia on the OECD Small Medium Size Enterprise committee and in other OECD forums.Peter Fritz is a Member of the Board of the Global Panel Foundation - Australasia - a respected NGO that works behind the scenes in crisis areas around the world. The current Australasia Chair is the Rt. Hon. Don McKinnon, former Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand and Commonwealth Secretary General, and the Vice Chair is Hon. Phillip Ruddock, Majority Whip of the Australian Parliament and former Australian Attorney General. Senator Arthur Sinodinos, the Australian Assistant Treasurer and former Chief of Staff of Prime Minister John Howard, is also a Member of the Board. The Global Panel Foundation has offices and satellites in Berlin, Copenhagen, New York, Prague, Sydney and Toronto.He co-chaired the government-commissioned Working Group on Education and Training in Philanthropy and Social Investment (2007–2008) which led to the establishment of the Centre for Social Impact (CSI) in 2008, a national center for philanthropy and social investment, with an Australian Government endowment of $12.4 million. The CSI is a joint collaboration between the business schools of the University of New South Wales, Melbourne Business School, Swinburne University of Technology and the University of Western Australia and provides managerial education, executive support and research for the not-for-profit sector.Peter Fritz is a regular blogger on the issues of innovation and entrepreneurship on Open Forum (Australia).

Personal facts

Peter Fritz
Birth dateJanuary 04, 1943
Birth place
Arad Romania
University of Technology Sydney
Known for
TitleMember of the Order of Australia


Peter Fritz on Wikipedia