Peter Mathews Politician

Peter Mathews (born August 1951) is an Irish politician. He was elected as a Teachta Dála (TD) for the Dublin South constituency at the 2011 general election. He sits as an independent TD, having lost the Fine Gael parliamentary party whip in July 2013. He left the Fine Gael party in October 2013.He has been a panelist on Tonight with Vincent Browne during the Irish financial crisis.Mathews attended Gonzaga College and went on to study Commerce at University College Dublin. He is married to Susan and they have four children. Mathews joined the Progressive Democrats on its foundation but left shortly afterwards.He is a qualified Chartered Accountant, and has worked for Coopers & Lybrand (now PwC) and ICC Bank. Before entering politics, he was a consultant on banking and finance, and a media commentator.On 14 March 2012, the Government was defeated in a vote taken at a meeting of the Oireachtas finance committee after numerous Fine Gael TDs went missing. The motion, tabled by Mathews who was then forced to vote against it following threats from his colleagues, proposed that Central Bank Governor Patrick Honohan be forced to appear before the Oireachtas finance committee by the end of the month.Mathews was expelled from the Fine Gael parliamentary party on 2 July 2013 when he defied the party whip by voting against the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013. On 13 September 2013, he and six other expellees formed the Reform Alliance, described as a "loose alliance" rather than a political party.On 3 October 2013, he resigned from the Fine Gael party.

Personal facts

Peter Mathews
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1951
Birth place
University College Dublin


Office holder

officeTeachta Dála
other party
Fine Gael
Independent (politician)
Dublin South (Dáil Éireann constituency)

Peter Mathews on Wikipedia