Philipp Mainländer Philosopher

Philipp Mainländer (October 5, 1841 April 1, 1876) was a German poet and philosopher. Born as Philipp Batz, he later changed his name into Mainländer from adoration for his hometown Offenbach am Main.In his central work Die Philosophie der Erlösung (The Philosophy of Redemption) —according to Theodor Lessing “perhaps the most radical system of pessimism known to philosophical literature” —Mainländer proclaims that life is absolutely worthless, and that “the will, ignited by the knowledge that non-being is better than being, is the supreme principle of morality.”

Personal facts

Philipp Mainländer
Birth dateOctober 05, 1841
Birth place
Offenbach am Main , Grand Duchy of Hesse
Date of deathApril 01, 1876
Place of death
Offenbach am Main , Grand Duchy of Hesse
19th-century philosophy
Main interest
