Raghunath Murmu Writer

Pandit Raghunath Murmu (May 5, 1905, Dandbose, Odisha State, India – February 1, 1981) was the creator of the script known as "Ol Chiki" used for the Santali language. "Ol Cemet & Parsi Poha " are his premier book in OL CHIKI script consisting of 30 letters including 11 Vowels and 24 consonant(The Principle Six vowel (Raha-Alang) and 5 diacritic can be designated as "Checked Consonant" altogether become 11 vowels). The alphabets were arranged according to the concise linguistic principle and this grammatical arrangement written in the another book known as RONOR (Grammar). The system of transliteration used in the famous book “PARSI POHA” confirmed to a system that scholar/writer have almost universally accepted to indicate the pronunciation of each kherwal sound to educate the native santali speaking people about script,language or culture for the development of Santali Language & Literature . The OLCHIKI PARSI (OLCHIKI alphabet) is a unique modern indict script which has both capital & small letter developed since 1925 dully compare with nature.The general linguistic terms of General Mathematics, Syntax/Morphology, Phonology/Phonetics and Semantics/Pragmatics has been written in his published book "RONOR, ELKHA & PARSI POHA". Pondit Murmu, arrange the Day, Date, Week, Month, Year etc. in his calendar GODDET as per lunar clips(Lunar year) and accepted unanimously by the Kherwal Community at All India Conference held at Bed-Kundri"(WB) in the month of Feb 1977.In the years 1947-48 Mr Pruthunath Murmu of Tanki tolah Baripada,was appointed as translator/interpreter and works as stenographer in Mayurbhanj Assembly for native Santali Language speaking MLA's at that time he felt the necessary for use of SANTALI short hand than he developed the Santali short hand by OLCHIKI script.As per the Calendar GODDET " MAGH" become the beginning month and the first day of the Maghmonth after lunar eclipse become the " SANTALI NEW YEAR" popularly known as (Magh-Mulugh)like other Modern Indian Linguistic Community. After the Bed-Kundri All India conference of Kherwal Community which held under the president ship Dubraj Tudu, Desh Pargana Paderkola, Mr Shibu Soren Hon'ble MP Dumka as patron/ guest (both Santal Pargana) the resolution drawn was submitted to the Govt of India in the same years under the Leadership of Late Dhanai Kisku a Socialist & Culturist as well as organizer of Santal Pargana region who was started the " SIDO-KANHU HOOL BAISY" (Bejha-Tung) since 1964 than registered the present political party JMM (Jharkhand Mukhti Morcha) since 1972. The works of Pondit Murmu over Santali Language & Literature was aptly reflected the idea basing "On principle of Identity of self rather than imitation" of traditional"Socio-Religion, Socio-Culture, language & Literature identity & self-determination of Kherwal community of Ancient Bharat(Native Indians) in the Modern Bharat. It's also known that prior to developed the OLCHIKI SCRIPT by Raghunath Murmu another script known as MUJ-DANDHE was invented by Sadhu Ramchand Murmu of Kamarbandi sealdha and pondit Raghunath Murmu was also used to visit over the region regularly as a prof of the same he has make out the Ashram near Dampara situated just ahead of the present Ghatsila. So the relativity of Pondit Murmu with Sadhu Ramchand Murmu about the modern developed indict OLCHIKI script is deeply rooted and their linkage can't be ruled out, as it's universal truth that without the " Mahapurush" calculation of Nature bind under the Calendar GODDET by Pondit Raghunath Murmu is impossible. However this inner concept of script,language & culture has reflected in his famous Literary Love story Drama popularly known as " BIDU-CHANDAN" which is yet to understood by common followers.In the said Drama how the two young lovers (BIDU=Boy & CHANDAN=Girl) started developed in loving each other & they use the sign & symbol of writing on the rocks which was decipher by them for their each understanding. At the last end of the Drama they went to the Himalayan shrine in search of elder brother Kaleyan where they mate with "NAGA-BABA & NAGA-BUDHI" who were nothing but the NAGASADHU's who blessed baby Chunu Murmu(Pondit Murmu) after nine days from his birth. The pioneer of Jharkhand state political leaders were projected this "Script & Language" as state language and in the year 1948-49 when he assumed the intentionally keeping of "OL CHIKI script and Santali language" in the edge in a plan manner by the modern political thinkers and designated the community & Language-Literature as "Algao-Bad" he has aware the political leaders during the period, who were engaged in carry forwarded the separate Political base for Kherwal Community( Sunaram Soren adopt son of Maharaja Mayurbhanj & Ramchandra Majhi first hon'ble MP of Mayurbhanj were the prominent leaders of the time under the leadership of Jaipal Singh Munda), Link http://www.mainstreamweekly.net/article3254.html However even after inclusion of Mayurbhanj princely state in to Odisha on 1st day of January 1949 they did not accept this inclusion with Odisha,and great public meeting was organized on 6th Feb-1949 at Gunduriya near Rairangpur to raised their protest, the said meeting was also suppressed through the FORCE Boot & bullet in the name of secessionist, large numbers of unarmed people were massacred. FINALLY when they failed & succumbed by the political

Personal facts

Alias (AKA)Pondit Raghunath Murmu
PseudonymGuru Gomke
Birth dateMay 05, 1905
Birth place
Rairangpur , Mayurbhanj district , British Raj
Date of deathFebruary 01, 1982


Raghunath Murmu on Wikipedia