Randall Terry

Randall Almira Terry (born 1959) is an American pro-life activist. Terry founded the pro-life organization Operation Rescue. The group became particularly prominent beginning in 1987 for blockading the entrances to abortion clinics; Terry led the group until 1991. He has been arrested more than 40 times, most recently for violating a no-trespass order from the University of Notre Dame in order to protest a visit by President Barack Obama. Terry has long been known for provocative and controversial statements, including that abortion is murder and should be made a capital crime.In 2003, Randall Terry founded the Society for Truth and Justice and conducted a program called Operation Witness. In 1998, he ran for Congress in upstate New York, and in 2006 for a seat in the Florida State Senate, both times losing in the Republican primary.

Personal facts

Randall Terry
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1959
Birth nameRandall Almira Terry
Known for
Operation Save America


Randall Terry on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://ahumbleplea.com
  2. http://terryforpresident.com
  3. http://www.RandallTerryLive.com