Randii Wessen Scientist

Randii Ray Wessen (born May 13, 1958) is an American Astronautics Systems Engineer specifically involved in Planetary exploration, Experimental Economist, and Writer. Dr. Wessen has been an employee of the California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory since 1984. He is currently the A-Team Lead Study Architect for JPL's Innovation Foundry. On the side, Wessen works with Dr. David Porter of Chapman University in the field of Experimental Economics, where they are designing a system to help allocate resources for building instruments on robotic deep space planetary spacecraft. This proposed system will build on the success of the Cassini Resource Exchange and be applied to NASA's Outer Planet Flagship Missions.

Personal facts

Randii Wessen
Birth dateMay 13, 1958
Birth place
University of Southern California
State University of New York at Stony Brook
University of Glamorgan



Field of study
Experimental economics
Planetary science

Randii Wessen on Wikipedia