Rich Hand Baseball player

Richard Allen Hand (born July 10, 1948, in Bellevue, Washington). He graduated from Lincoln High School in Seattle and attended University of Puget Sound. He is a retired professional baseball player who played four seasons for the Cleveland Indians, Texas Rangers, and California Angels of Major League Baseball. His most productive seasons were 1970 and 1972 where he recorded over 100 strikeouts and logged over 150 innings pitched in each year.He and his wife Susan live in the Fort Worth area. They have six children, Cody, Jessica, Jordyn, Hannah, Rebekah and Whitney, who plays basketball for the University of Oklahoma.

Personal facts

Birth dateJuly 10, 1948
Birth place
Bellevue Washington


Baseball player

Career startApril 09, 1970
Career endSeptember 26, 1973
batting sideRight
former teams
Cleveland Indians
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
Starting pitcher
Cleveland Indians
Texas Rangers (baseball)
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
throwing sideRight

Rich Hand on Wikipedia