Richard Jozsa Scientist

Richard Jozsa is an Australian mathematician and the holder of the Leigh Trapnell Chair in Quantum Physics at the University of Cambridge. His research area is quantum information science; a pioneer of this field, he is the co-author of the Deutsch-Jozsa quantum algorithm and one of the co-inventors of quantum teleportation. His work was recognised in 2004 by the London Mathematical Society with the award of the Naylor Prize for 'his fundamental contributions to the new field of quantum information science'.Jozsa received his DPhil in Mathematics (specifically, twistor theory) at Oxford, under the supervision of Roger Penrose. He has held previous positions at the University of Bristol, the University of Plymouth and the Université de Montréal.

Personal facts

Richard Jozsa
United Kingdom
University of Oxford
Known for
Quantum teleportation
Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm



doctoral advisor
doctoral student
Ashley Montanaro
Imdad Sardharwalla
Simone Severini
Stuart Presnell
Field of study
Computer science

Richard Jozsa on Wikipedia