Richie Sexson Baseball player

Richmond Lockwood "Richie" Sexson (born December 29, 1974 in Portland, Oregon) is a former Major League Baseball first baseman who played for five teams from 1997 to 2008.At 6'8", Sexson is the tallest position player in MLB history.

Personal facts

Richie Sexson
Birth dateDecember 29, 1974
Birth place
Portland Oregon


Baseball player

Career startSeptember 14, 1997
Career endAugust 13, 2008
Major League Baseball All-Star Game
2003 Major League Baseball All-Star Game
batting sideRight
former teams
Cleveland Indians
New York Yankees
First baseman
Arizona Diamondbacks
Cleveland Indians
Milwaukee Brewers
Seattle Mariners
New York Yankees
throwing sideRight

Richie Sexson on Wikipedia