Robert S. Corrington Philosopher

Robert S. Corrington (born May 30, 1950) is an American philosopher and author of several books exploring human interpretation of the universe as well as biographies on C.S. Peirce and Wilhelm Reich. He is currently employed as professor of philosophical theology at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. Before that he was a professor at Pennsylvania State University.Corrington is member of Unitarian Universalist Association and The Theosophical Society of America and a lecturer for both organizations, and he is also an affiliate of The Parapsychological Association. Corrington has had bouts with bipolar disorder (manic-depressive), and he gives a personal account of this in his 2003 book Riding the Windhorse: Manic Depressive Disorder and the Quest for Wholeness, which contains case studies of Sri Ramakrishna and Sir Isaac Newton as well as his intellectual biography "My Passage from Panentheism to Pantheism."

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 15, 1950
