Rocco Romano American football player

Rocco Romano (born January 23, 1963) CFL's DeMarco-Becket Memorial Trophy winner in 1994 & 1996 for the Calgary Stampeders; Awarded originally to the player selected as the outstanding lineman in the West Division. Inducted into the Canadian Football Hall of Fame in 2007. Born January 23, 1963 Hamilton, Ontario.Played 14-seasons in the CFL, (ten of those with Calgary) and 5-time allstar as an offensive lineman. While in Calgary he won 2-Grey Cups, 1992 and 1998.An alumnus of St. Ann's Catholic elementary and Cathedral High School and Concordia University in Montreal.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 23, 1963
Birth place
Hamilton Ontario
Height (meters)1.9304
Weight (Kilograms)120.204
