Sammy Harkham Comics creator

Sammy Harkham (born May 21, 1980 in Los Angeles) is an American cartoonist and editor, best known for editing the influential Kramer's Ergot alternative comics anthology.When he was 14 he moved with his family to Sydney, Australia. It was while in Australia he discovered the work of Jamie Hewlett, Dan Clowes, Kim Deitch, Renee French, Chris Ware, Julie Doucet, and Jim Woodring. Inspired, Harkham started making his own comics and a zine, Kramers Ergot, which has evolved into one of the most highly influential comics anthologies being published today.After high school he went to CalArts, studying experimental animation and filmmaking, but dropped out to focus on comics. His comic strip "Poor Sailor," originally published in Kramers Ergot #4, was subsequently included in The Best American Nonrequired Reading in 2004. His current work can be found in the comic Crickets, which was published by Drawn and Quarterly for its first two issues but is now self-published.He is the owner the Family Bookstore in Los Angeles, and the co-founder of Cinefamily.

Personal facts

Birth dateMay 21, 1980
Birth place
Los Angeles
United States


Sammy Harkham on Wikipedia

External resources
