Sergei Anatolyevich Starostin Philosopher

Sergei Anatolyevich Starostin was a Russian historical linguist, perhaps best known for his reconstructions of hypothetical proto-languages, including his work on the controversial Altaic theory, the formulation of the Dené–Caucasian hypothesis, and the proposal of a Borean language of still earlier date. He was also the author of a widely respected reconstruction of Old Chinese.

Personal facts

Sergei Anatolyevich Starostin
Birth dateMarch 24, 1953
Birth place
Date of deathSeptember 30, 2005
Place of death
Main interest
Nostratic languages
Proto-Indo-European accent
Dené–Caucasian languages



John Bengtson
influenced by
Andrey Zaliznyak
Aharon Dolgopolsky
Vladimir Dybo
Vladislav Illich-Svitych
Sergei Yakhontov
notable idea
Altaic languages
Japonic languages
Yeniseian languages
Old Chinese
North Caucasian languages
Kiranti languages
Dené–Caucasian languages
Tibeto-Burman languages
philosophical school
Historical linguistics
Moscow school of comparative linguistics