Shaahin Cheyene

Shaahin Cheyene (also previously known as Sean Cheyene or Sean Shayan) is an Iran-born American businessman and award-winning filmmaker. He is currently the founder and current CEO of the companies Accelerated Intelligence, a maker of nutritional supplements, and Victory Films, a documentary film production company. He was the founder of the now-defunct company Global World Media, a maker of legal intoxicants, Cheyene developed several alternative medicine products, including "Herbal Ecstacy", an ephedra-based alternative to the drug MDMA, commonly known as "ecstasy". In addition, Cheyene is a writer and documentary filmmaker.

Personal facts

Shaahin Cheyene
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1975
Birth place
Iran , Tehran
Known for
Global World Media
Victory Films


Shaahin Cheyene on Wikipedia