Shane Walsh Fictional character

Shane (known as Shane Walsh on the television series) is a fictional character from the comic book series The Walking Dead and is portrayed by Jon Bernthal in the American television series of the same name.In the comic series, Shane is portrayed as a Cynthiana Sheriff's Deputy, as well as the longtime friend and fellow police officer of series protagonist Rick Grimes. After Rick is shot and put into a coma, and the zombie outbreak occurs, he rescues Rick's family and leads a group of survivors, becoming romantically involved with Rick's wife, Lori. When Rick returns to his family alive, Shane grows increasingly jealous of their relationship, as well as Rick's role in the group.In the television series' first season, Shane is initially shown as a secondary protagonist, acting as a temporary leader until Rick's arrival and eventually assisting Rick's decisions. However, the reunion was never completely amicable, and in the second season, Shane develops into an antagonistic character, becoming more aggressive and unpredictable, due to both his envy of Rick and a growing obsession, stemming from his past relationship with Lori.


Fictional character

first appearance
Days Gone Bye (TV series)
Issue #1 (comics)
last appearance
Better Angels (The Walking Dead)
Made to Suffer
The Walking Dead (TV series)

Topical connections

Shane Walsh on Wikipedia