Shomwa Shamapande

Shomwa "Shom" Shamapande is a political and business consultant and strategist, who has worked in government affairs, media/communications and Democratic politics. In 1998, he served as an adviser to the South African Center for Human Rights in Pretoria. Shomwa was a Senior Adviser to Bill Lynch, former deputy mayor of New York City and Vice Chairman of the Democratic National Party and as a legislative fellow for Congressman Charles B. Rangel of Manhattan. Shomwa has also served as a senior communications and government affairs adviser for the Campaign for Better Schools, the corporate public relations firm of Robinson, Lerer & Montgomery, the Democratic National Committee, Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's United Nations Commission for the Legal Empowerment of the Poor and several global corporations including MasterCard and Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. And in 2011, Shomwa was hired as Global Communications and Media Director for Africare, a major NGO ($60 million) focused on humanitarian and development assistance for Africa.Shamapande has been the Communications Director for several political campaigns including the campaign of Dennis Mehiel, who was the 2002 Democratic Nominee for Lt. Governor of New York State. Mr. Shamapande worked as the Southern Nevada Field Director for the 2008 SEIU Obama for America Presidential Campaign under the campaign's Political Director Patrick Gaspard. Recently he was a Vice President at Fenton Communications, the largest public interest communications firm in the United States, where he represented clients including the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, UNDP and the Annie E. Casey Foundation.In 2005, Shamapande was appointed to the board of the United Nations Association - New York City Chapter. He has also been described as an example of the Zambian Brain Drain, which is an example of the overall African Brain Drain.

Personal facts

Birth place
Zambia , Lusaka
Columbia University
University of Massachusetts Amherst
