Shridhar Chillal

Shridhar Chillal (born 1938) holds the world record for the longest fingernails ever reached on a single hand, measuring 6.15 meters (20 feet 2.25 inches). Chillal's longest nail is 1.30 meters (4.25 feet). He stopped cutting his nails in 1952.Although Chillal is proud of his record breaking nails, he had increasing difficulties with their weight, which already caused his left fingers to become disfigured (and more or less useless). Due to nerve damage caused from the nails' immense weight, Chillal is permanently deaf in the left ear (for he grew his fingernails on his left hand).He finally decided it was time to cut off his nails in late 2000, and was hoping to be able to sell them for $200,000. However, he may make the odd appearance with his finger nails in tow. He appeared with his nails attached in the movie Jackass 2.5.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1938
Birth place
India , Pune


Shridhar Chillal on Wikipedia