Siegfried Horn

Siegfried Herbert Horn (March 17, 1908 – November 28, 1993) was a Seventh-day Adventist archaeologist and Bible scholar. He is perhaps best known for his numerous books and articles and for his excavations at Tell Hesban in Jordan. He was Professor of History of Antiquity at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary in Berrien Springs, Michigan (now part of Andrews University). The Siegfried H. Horn Museum at Andrews University was named in his honor. A scholar of wide-ranging interests and abilities, he made significant contributions especially in the areas of Ancient Near Eastern chronology and archaeology. In a 1985 questionnaire of North American Adventist lecturers, Horn tied for seventh place among the Adventist authors who had most influenced them.

Personal facts

Birth dateMarch 17, 1908
Date of deathNovember 28, 1993
