Simon Hayhoe Scientist

Simon Hayhoe wrote the monographs, Grounded Theory and Disability Studies on the application of grounded theory in his study of blindness, Arts, Culture and Blindness on social and cultural factors affecting the arts education of blind adults and school children, and God, Money and Politics, the first book on the history of English education for the blind, since Illingworth's History of the Education of the Blind in 1910. These and previous works on this topic have been cited in papers on subjects such as perceptual psychology and human geography.Hayhoe's work on the history and the epistemology of blindness is the subject of Course PSYC54 Cognition and Representation at the University of Toronto (Canada),. In addition, his writing has been the topic of discussion on BBC Radio 4 in the UK and syndicated radio in the USA and a theatrical installation project in London by Extant and the Open University.

Personal facts

Birth place
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
University of Bath
Coventry University
University of Birmingham
University of Leicester
Known for
Arts Education of the Blind
Arts and Blindness
Cultural Model of Blindness
Epistemological Model of Blindness



doctoral advisor
Field of study
Social psychology
Special education
History of education
Visual arts

Simon Hayhoe on Wikipedia