Simona Noorenbergh Writer

Sister Simona Noorenbergh (1907–1990; her surname is also spelled Noorenberghe or Noorenberg, and her original given name was Maria) was a Belgian-born religious leader and community organizer.She was born in Ypres, Belgium in 1907. She was one of the founders of the small mountain village Fane in Central Province, Papua New Guinea, where she wasknown in Papua New Guinea as "Sister Simona". At the age of 84 she died in an airplane crash in the Papuan mountains on July 5, 1990.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1907
Birth place
Belgium , Ypres
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1990
Place of death
Papua New Guinea , Fane Papua New Guinea


Simona Noorenbergh on Wikipedia