Socks Seibold Baseball player

Harry "Socks" Seibold (May 31, 1896 – September 21, 1965) was a Major League Baseball pitcher. He debuted in 1915 with the Philadelphia Athletics as a shortstop, but was converted to pitcher in 1916. He played parts of 1916, 1917 and 1919 for the Athletics, then spent the next nine years out of the major leagues.Seibold resurfaced in 1929 with the Boston Braves. For four seasons, he was a regular in the Braves' rotation, and in 1930 set his career high in innings pitched with 250, wins with 15 and strikeouts with 70. His last season came with the Braves in 1933.A corporal with the United States Army during World War I, Seibold was buried at the Beverly National Cemetery in Beverly, New Jersey.

Personal facts

Birth dateMay 31, 1896
Birth place
Date of deathSeptember 21, 1965
Place of death


Baseball player

Career startSeptember 18, 1915
Career endJune 13, 1933
batting sideRight
former teams
Atlanta Braves
Oakland Athletics
Atlanta Braves
Oakland Athletics
throwing sideRight

Socks Seibold on Wikipedia