Stefano Bontade Criminal

Stefano Bontade (April 23, 1939 – April 23, 1981) was a powerful member of the Sicilian Mafia. Some sources spell his surname Bontate. He was the boss of the Santa Maria di Gesù Family in Palermo. He was also known as the Prince of Villagrazia − the area of Palermo he controlled − and Il Falco (The Falcon). He had links with several powerful politicians in Sicily with links to former prime minister Giulio Andreotti. In 1981 he was killed by the rival faction within Cosa Nostra, the Corleonesi. His death sparked a brutal Mafia War that left several hundred mafiosi dead.

Personal facts

Stefano Bontade
Birth dateApril 23, 1939
Birth place
Italy , Sicily , Palermo
Date of deathApril 23, 1981
Place of death
Italy , Sicily , Palermo


Stefano Bontade on Wikipedia