Thomas Boberg Writer

Thomas Boberg (born 5 May 1960 in Roskilde) is a Danish poet and travel writer. Since his debut in 1984 with Hvæsende på mit øjekast (The Hissing on my Glance), Boberg has written numerous books and collections of poems. In 2000 he received the Otto Gelsted Prize.Boberg lived in Peru for several years. Many of his works stem from his travels in South and Central America, often focusing on the exploited and poor. Boberg has been nominated twice for the Nordic Council's Literature Prize, in 1999 for Americas, and in 2006 for Livsstil (Life Style).Thomas Boberg is the son of the surrealist artist Jørgen Boberg (1940–2009).

Personal facts

Thomas Boberg
Birth dateMay 05, 1960
Birth place
Denmark , Roskilde


Thomas Boberg on Wikipedia