Todd Lamb

Todd Lamb (born March 1976) is an American writer and director based out of New York City. He has written under the moniker Rock Ninja, as well as his birth name. He created the popular Rock Ninja! concert reviews that recurred in The SF Weekly. This editorial series featured a ninja who would attend concerts and review them in a kung-fu voice. The final Rock Ninja! article was a meeting backstage with the Beastie Boys, entitled "Pawns in The Sun", the series ran for two years to much acclaim but stopped in late 2004.His comedy and pranks have been featured in Stop Smiling Magazine, Larry Flynt's Big Brother Skateboarding Magazine, Radar Magazine, SF Weekly (with those articles later syndicated in sister newspaper The Riverfront Times), The Warlock zine, New York's Wooooo Magazine.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1976
Birth place
United States , Ellsworth (town) Maine


Todd Lamb on Wikipedia