Tomás de Torquemada

Tomás de Torquemada (Thomas of Torquemada), O.P. (/ˌtɔrkəˈmɑːdə/ Spanish: [toɾkeˈmaða]; 1420 – September 16, 1498) was a Spanish Dominican friar and the first Grand Inquisitor in Spain's movement to force Christianity upon its populace in the late 15th century.The existence of many superficial converts among the Moriscos and Marranos (i.e. Crypto-Jews), who had found it more socially, politically and economically expedient to join the Christian fold, was perceived by the Spanish monarchs of that time, principally King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, as a threat to the religious and social life of Spain. This led Torquemada, who himself had converso ancestors, to be one of the chief supporters of the Alhambra Decree which expelled the Jews from Spain in 1492.

Personal facts

Tomás de Torquemada
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1420
Birth place
Date of deathSeptember 16, 1498
Place of death
Ávila Spain
Juan de Torquemada (cardinal)


Tomás de Torquemada on Wikipedia