Tony Stigsson Military person

Stig Kent Tony Stigsson (born November 6, 1956, in Lönsboda, a part of Osby in Skåne in Sweden) is a former major general in the Swedish Army, former operative head for the staff of the Swedish armed forces, as well as member of the Swedish army staff and Sweden's representative in the Challenges of Peace Operations. Until 2005, Stigsson was also president of the Swedish wrestling federation.Tony Stigsson was arrested in early 2005 on suspicion of rape, spousal abuse and mishandling of top secret classified documents. He was convicted of spousal abuse on July 6, 2005 and sentenced to 6 months of prison for two counts of assault, which was later reduced to three months on appeal.Stigsson has since been relieved of all duties at the armed forces, and the government disciplinary board (Statens ansvarsnämnd) is currently reviewing whether Stigsson is to be dismissed from the Swedish armed forces. While the above were the main charges, an incriminating factor in the case from the start has been Stigsson's interest in sado-masochistic sex practices which, together with his careless handling of secret documents, were considered a clear security risk by investigators. Most of the investigation relating to this has been classified.

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 06, 1956
Birth place
Sweden , Lönsboda , Scania


Military person

allegianceSwedish Armed Forces
service start1978

Tony Stigsson on Wikipedia