Tuan Vo-Dinh Scientist

Tuan Vo-Dinh (Vietnamese: Võ Đình Tuấn) (Nha Trang, 11 April 1948) is R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Chemistry, and Director of the Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics of Duke University. Vo-Dinh has been ranked No. 43 on a list of the world's top 100 living geniuses in a survey conducted by Creators Synectics, a global consultants firm.Born in Nha Trang, Vietnam, Vo-Dinh earned his doctorate degree in biophysical chemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich in 1975 and emigrated to the U.S. in 1975. He researched at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee as Director of Center for Advanced Biomedical Photonics and was Professor at University of California, University of Tennessee, (Knoxville), before coming to Duke in March 2006. He specializes in photonics, the science of the interaction between light and matter like biophotonics, laser-excited luminescence spectroscopy, etc.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 11, 1948
Birth place
South Vietnam , Nha Trang
