Valentino Annibale Pastore

Valentino Annibale Pastore (November 13, 1868 - February 27, 1956) was an Italian philosopher and logician.Pastore was born in Orbassano.He studied literature at the University of Turin under Arturo Graf. His thesis La vita delle forme letterarie (The life of literary forms) was published in 1892 in Turin. Pastore then turned to philosophy, influenced by the works of Pasquale d'Ercole, Friedrich Kiesow, Antonio Garbasso, and Giuseppe Peano, publishing his own thesis Sopra le teorie della scienza: logica, matematica, fisica (On the theories of science: logic, mathematics, physics) in 1903.He was professor in Turin from 1913 until 1939, leading a laboratory of "experimental logic". He eventually focused on logical aspects and procedures in science.Pastore died in Turin.

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 13, 1868
Birth place
Date of deathFebruary 27, 1956
Place of death


Valentino Annibale Pastore on Wikipedia

External resources
