Vera Osoianu

Vera Osoianu is a librarian from Moldova. She is the Deputy Director of the National Library of Moldova. Vera Osoianu was awarded, by a presidential decree, with Romania's highest state decoration – the Order of the Star of Romania.Education - IFLA Conference 2010-Working visit Germany National Library, August, 2008- International Conference on Informational Technologies, Yerevan, Armenia, 23–27 May 2007-09-21-2004 International Conference „Crimea – 2004”-2003 December- stage on the base of French National Library-2003 April 5–10 Workshop on the base of Helsinky city library-2002(August–December) CI Program, US—1999 — The library staff utiliation : recruitment, selection, professional integration: training—1999 — Management of informational resources: training—1998 — The Formators Formation: training—1993 — Cource of continuing education (Busteni, Romania)—1988 — Cource of continuing education at the Moscow Institute of Culture —1973-1977 — State University of Moldova, Library Science ProgramProfessional experience•2001–2005 Coordinator of the Center for Continuing Education in Library and Information Science•From 2003–present Deputy Director of the National Library of the Republic of Moldova •From October 2000 till 2003 the Director of Department Research and Development in Librarianship •From 1992 till October 2000 — Chief of Methodical Department; •1977–present — National Library of the Republic of Moldova

Personal facts

Eastern Orthodox Church
Moldova State University
Known for
National Library of Moldova
