Veronica De La Cruz

Veronica De La Cruz (born August 13, 1980) is an Asian-American television news anchor. Starting May 5, 2014 she will join KPIX/KBCW as an anchor. She worked for NBC News from (2010–2014), she was an alternating anchor on both Early Today on NBC and First Look on MSNBC, as well as a correspondent for NBC News. She has filled in as news anchor on Today.De La Cruz formerly appeared on CNN's Emmy-nominated morning show American Morning from 6am to 9am Eastern time, providing Dotcom Desk information to CNN's early morning viewers. She also substituted as a replacement anchor for CNN U.S. and CNN Headline News. She previously anchored the CNN broadband news service, CNN Pipeline, now CNN LIVE, and was one of its four founding anchors. She became a contributor to their domestic network with the segment "Dotcom Desk", which launched during the 2004 Southeast Asian tsunami. Her contributions to CNN's news coverage include reporting on Hurricane Katrina, working with the Victims and Relief desk, and numerous on-line reports with CNN broadband news. De La Cruz joined CNN in 2003 and in 2007 moved from the network's world headquarters in Atlanta to the New York Offices.De La Cruz has also been on the forefront of new technology. She is one of the first and only cable network news journalists to shoot segments with a Flip Mino video camera, which she edits herself on a Mac. She also regularly engages in discussion with her viewers via Facebook and microblogs on Twitter.She became increasingly popular when she started a campaign to save her brother, Eric De La Cruz's life. Eric De La Cruz needed a heart transplant but was refused due to poor health insurance. She tried raising money through social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook as well as pages that were created for her family's cause. Nine Inch Nails front man Trent Reznor joined the cause and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Mr. De La Cruz as well as bringing much needed attention to the fight for proper health insurance. Despite these efforts, Eric De La Cruz died in July 2009.

Personal facts

Birth dateAugust 13, 1980
Catholic Church
