Victor Hugo de Azevedo Coutinho Politician

Victor Hugo de Azevedo Coutinho, 18th Count of Azevedo GCC, GCA (12 November 1871–27 June 1955), was a Portuguese naval officer, politician and professor, at the University of Coimbra and later the Escola Naval (Naval School). He was a member of the Portuguese Democratic Party and served as the President of the Council of Ministers (Prime Minister) for 7th government of the First Portuguese Republic (having led the country between 12 December 1914 and 25 January 1915). His government's composition was essentially made up of second-line political figures, and his government was jokingly referred to as "Os miseráveis de Victor Hugo" ("The miserables of Victor Hugo"), a play on the French author Victor Hugo's book Les Miserables.

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 12, 1871
Birth place
Portuguese Empire , Portuguese Macau
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1955
Place of death
Lisbon , Portugal
University of Coimbra


Office holder

Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister for the Navy
Democratic Party (Portugal)
prime minister
Jos%C3%A9 Maria Barbosa de Guimar%C3%A3es
Jos%C3%A9 Joaquim Xavier de Brito
Abel Fontoura da Costa
Jos%C3%A9 Ant%C3%B3nio Arantes Pedroso

Victor Hugo de Azevedo Coutinho on Wikipedia